New York Times Article

Recently the New York Times featured an informative article on dental implants attached below for your review.

TRENTON, N.J. — Dental implants are increasingly being used to replace missing or failing teeth instead of dentures or bridges, which can be uncomfortable and hasten further deterioration. But implants can be very expensive and rarely are covered by insurance.

Experts say dental implants — usually titanium screws inserted into jawbone and capped with a permanent crown — are long-lasting and the best option for most people. About 1.9 million Americans are expected to get one or more dental implants this year, up from 1.6 million in 2016, according to market research firm Decision Resources Group.

“It’s probably the greatest thing that’s happened to dentistry since fluoride came to the water,” says Dr. Carl Driscoll, former president of the American College of Prosthodontists, the specialty providing artificial tooth replacement.

When missing teeth aren’t replaced, the jawbone below deteriorates faster, chewing can become difficult and one’s smile and self-confidence can be affected. Implants feel and function like natural teeth and can last a lifetime, partly because the titanium helps maintain surrounding bone.

That’s helped make them the standard of care over older options: Dentures need to be replaced periodically as fit worsens, and bridges are attached to adjacent teeth that must first be ground down, increasing jawbone loss and risk of cavities.